Catching rays at work

If you thought solar power necessarily means panels bolted to the rafters, think again. Just ask Perth businessman Victor Rosenberg, the brains behind a potentially revolutionary sustainable energy invention called TropiGlas.

In essence a hair-thin film sandwiched between two sheets of glass, TropiGlas lets 80 per cent of all visible light into a building while capturing and “harvesting” more than 90 per cent of ultraviolet and infrared light.

The rogue rays are then converted to electricity usable for lighting, cooling and heating. Smart.

Read at the Sydney Morning Herald..

Simplicity the core element: Business experts explain why Apple is at the top of the game

Apple’s success story looks set to be studied in business schools for decades – likely by students reading from iPads, not textbooks. The tech giant rose from the brink of extinction in 1997 to become the world’s most valuable company.

Now, according to CNNMoney, Apple is worth more than Greece is – more than $400 billion. Despite criticism of working conditions at its Chinese Foxconn plant, Apple is widely seen as the world’s most impressive company.

So what is Apple’s secret? Find out at the Sydney Morning Herald..



The New Class Distinction

Australian university campuses increasingly resemble small cities – just look at the University of Sydney’s main Camperdown campus. However, whether any home-grown university can match the trappings ambitious American counterparts boast is doubtful. And whether a luxurious tertiary life results in a more qualified or job-ready graduate is also questionable.

America’s public universities are fiercely pursuing a taxpayer-funded “amenities arms race”, analyst Andrew Rosen says in his radical tract Rebooting for the New Talent Economy.

Luxury amenities on American campuses range from 20-person hot tubs to mega-stadiums. And you can blame what Rosen calls “Harvard envy”. Read more at the Sydney Morning Herald.



The great Aussie mining boom

Australia’s mines are at the heart of its robust economy. The provide a wealth of job opportunity. Read more at the Sydney Morning Herald

Tune in, toughen up

Classic workplace stress reduction tips. Read all about it in the Sydney Morning Herald

Beware the job to die for

Who wants to work in Japan? The Japanese have a reputation for being the world’s hardest workers.

Under sustained stress often involving unpaid overtime, some citizens of the land of the surging yen work themselves to death. Hence the word “karoshi”, which means “death by overwork”. Read more at the Sydney Morning Herald

Shine with a little polish

Does your CV ooze flair? At a time of low unemployment – a squeak under 5 per cent – it is tempting to slack off, to forget about updating it and making the document as attractive as possible. Learn how to give your CV dazzling allure at the Sydney Morning Herald…

Beat the stress test

Any interview has a cold-sweat side. However much the interviewer smiles, the procedure raises the spectre of interrogation – a spotlight shone into the eyes. 

Picture, then, how it feels to undergo a “stress test” interview. The variant on the standard inquisition puts the prey, sorry, candidate under acute pressure.

The interviewer goes for the jugular in a bid to find out if the candidate responds rashly and emotionally to unsettling behaviour. Stress permeates the workplace. So, the theory goes, employers must find out if potential employees can handle pressure and handle it well. Read more at the Sydney Morning Herald…

Step out of the bored room

Fun occupations do exist and they’re just the ticket for office-weary workers. David Wilson reports.

‘What do you do?” Many commuters dread and dodge that question for a simple reason.

They hate their jobs. If you loathe the nine-to-five grind, weigh the worth of drudgery-busting alternative jobs that blur the line between work and play.

Recruitment consultant Michael Dimopoulos says instead of getting stuck in a rut, choosing work in line with your interests greatly benefits happiness.

“So good on anyone who breaks the mould and goes for what they truly are passionate about,” he says.

Career coach Lois Keay-Smith adds: “Doing an unusual job can create an ‘eyebrow raiser’ on your resume that may open doors down the track.”

It might be fun, too. Mould-breakers around Australia speak. Read more at MyCareer…